David Dephy is a trilingual Georgian/American award-winning poet, novelist, essayist, performer, multimedia artist and painter. During the Russian invasion of Georgia in 2008, Dephy joined with other volunteers to set up a headquarters of civil solidarity under his now-infamous slogan “Stop Russia.” He is the author of eight novels and fifteen collections of verse. David is the winner of the 2019 Spillwords Press Poetry Award for June’s Publication of the Month. His short story Before the End was chosen for the Best European Fiction 2012, edited by Aleksandar Hemon and prefaced by Nicole Krauss, and published in the U.S. by Dalkey Archive Press.
David’s works have been published and anthologized in USA, UK and all over the world by literary magazines, journals and publishing houses. His first book-length, English-language works, Lilac Shadow of a Tree from Mad Hat Press, and Eastern Star from Adelaide Books, New York, are forthcoming in June 2020 and September 2020 respectively. The first English-language translation of his novel A Mystiere is forthcoming in Spring 2021 from Mad Hat Press, with translation by Adham Smart and Marc Vincenz.
David Dephy is a former artist-in-residence at Art Omi in Hudson, New York. He has participated in the PEN World Voices Festival in New York City, where he presented a live poetry event entitled The Second Skin with Laurie Anderson, Yusef Komunyakaa and Salman Rushdie. David lives and works in New York City.